
Ff14 coblyn slayer
Ff14 coblyn slayer

ff14 coblyn slayer

The fact that the promise of shtalite drew them out of their holes and into our very midst has prompted us to wonder if the substance might have uses beyond armory and bauble-making…and if those uses might pose at threat to the thalassocracy. Rarely do they wander far from their caves, shunning contact with Lominsans unless they feel cornered. It is well documented that the kobold tribes of Vylbrand are highly skilled in metalworking, with most of their raw materials coming from the countless tunnels carved through the heart of O'Ghomoro.

ff14 coblyn slayer

The beastmen have gone so far as to bar the cavern entrance with a heavy iron door. What we need to know is precisely how they mean to use it.Īccording to reports made by Knights of the Barracuda units patrolling upper La Noscea, kobold activity has markedly icnreased in the vicinity of a system of natural caves known as the U'Ghamaro Mines. Quite how they managed to slip into the city, board several heavily guarded ships, and finally make off with what has been estimated at ten score tonzes of ore, all unnoticed, is unimportant.

ff14 coblyn slayer

Which is why the recent crimes had us utterly perplexed…until we received an anonymous lead pointing us towards the kobold tribes of O'Ghomoro. The ore is plain in appearance and extremely difficult to reine, making it virtually worthless to all but those with knowledge of metallurgy. Shtalite is a dense, crystalline substance used in goldsmithing and armory, but becaues it is not readily obtainable on Vylbrand, firms like Naldiq & Vymelli's must improt it form Aldenard. It seemed as if someone, or something, was making a concerted effort to raid vesels carrying shipments of sthalite ore. Now, as you know, random acts of brigandry are hardly uncommon in the city-state, but this was different - it was… predictable. A few moons back, our field assessors began to discern a trend in the attacks upon trade ships moored here in Galadion Bay. Might you be seeking an opportunity to apply your skills in slaughtery to a cause most noble? Of course you might! You have the looks of a seasoned slayer of knaves and ne'er-do-wells. When you have successfully applied coblyn choler to the three cauldrons - be sure you got the message from each one - simply head back out to Camp Iron Lake and speak to Nolan again for your reward. This can be done without aggro from the kobolds staring into the cauldrons. Once you clear the area of any fireflies that come in the way (please keep in mind the short respawn), examine the three cauldrons in the room. No kobold will be in a position to see you, but the fireflies roam and might do that. Once you take them out, enter into the room beyond with care. Note that these must be killed, you will run into a group of kobolds and fireflies directly on the other side. Once in, you will have to take out the two kobolds stationed at the first door. Alternately you can run into U'Ghamaro itself and shake them off your tail when the zone changes. Take them out quick, for the respawn time around the mine and in it is very short. What you need to do is position yourself so that only the minimum number (1-2) kobolds will notice you at a time. There are several kobolds stationed near the mine entrance just so they will see you if you try to enter. In fact, the hardest part of your journey will be entering the Mine. The kobolds you enter will not move from their positions unless aggro'd, which will enable you to sneak in with relative ease and apply the coblyn choler with hardly any fighting if you so wish. When you approach the Mine, the most important skill is positioning. If you come with several 50s the quest won't be a challenge at all, and it is soloable with care at lv 50. Note that this will remain to be the case within U'Ghamaro to the extent of the cave you will need to enter for this quest, so if you want to and have the friends to do so, you can enter with a small group of mid-40s of mediocre skill and clear the quest with ease. The kobolds in the area are in the high 40s. Once you have talked to the quest starter, head out to Iron Lake, talk to ], and from there head further to the north-east to U'Ghamaro Mines. Requirements to sign up: Private Third Class of any Grand Company


How to begin: talk to Lilina at Mealvaan's GateĪreas: Limsa Lominsa, Iron Lake, U'Ghamaro Mines

Ff14 coblyn slayer