
Nioh 2 yatsu no kami
Nioh 2 yatsu no kami

Kill the Gaki as soon as they come out.Summon Gaki: While in the dark realm, she can occasionally summon two Gaki.She will have a small recovery time after this attack that you can use to heal or attack her Stomp Attack: She will launch herself into the air and stomp the ground below her.You can burst counter this attack if you are right in front of her.Forward Rush: She charges a burst attack and move forward leaving a trail of fire.This attack is very difficult to dodge so try to use your parry.Whip Attack: She will use her whip to attack you from the sides.Wait until she finishes creating the circle and roll away from it.Fire Circle: She will quickly create a circle of fire around you trapping you inside.When she stops run behind her and deal as much damage as you can before she recovers Zigzag Rush: She will move forward in a zigzag pattern leaving a trail of fire behind her and dealing damage if she touches you.Try to kill them as soon as they come out so you don’t have to deal with three enemies at once. She can also summon two Gaki to chase you down. This attack ends after 30 seconds or so, try to stay away from her until the wheel disappears. When in the Dark Realm, she will summon a spinning wheel that deals high damage and chase you around the battlefield. Her rush attacks leave a trail of fire behind that deal damage when you stand over them, but they are also the best opportunity to strike back as she will remain stationary when finished. Try to stay near her, when she attacks, stand behind her and try to deal as much damage as you can. She is vulnerable to water attacks so you may want to use water imbued weapons or skills. Kasha will cause Fire Damage with most of her skills, so using high Fire Resistance equipment or Firestop Talismans is a great idea to increase durability. This benefits her, as she can quickly move around the battlefield covering great distances. Kasha can be found on a large and open battlefield. The Hidden Monsters of Okehazama Walkthrough.The Mysterious One Night Castle Walkthrough.

nioh 2 yatsu no kami

Nioh 2 yatsu no kami how to#

How to Beat Yatsu-no-Kami (Boss Guide).

Nioh 2 yatsu no kami